What is absolutely unique about Vilmo?

By using Vilmo app, you’ll get a variety of amazing features:

You can choose the right level!
You can choose your level from the provided level scale from 1-10. Enjoy watching videos that are just right for you and will transform your language level and skills.
You can even choose the length of the video!
Short, medium, or long! You can choose the length of the scene you desire to translate to correspond to
your English level.
The speech speed is your choice, too.
If you are advanced, jump right away to the rapid videos, and if you’re a beginner we got just the slow videos that you need.
You can choose the rules you need to learn.
From over 70 different and diverse rules, you are free to learn and check the rule in practice through the videos that illustrate it best.
Users of all ages can use the app easily
Adaptive to different devices
Whether you are using a mobile phone, an iPad, a Tablet, or any other smart device, the app will be adaptive to it.
Appropriate for all levels
Beginner, Intermediate, and even Experts Whatever your current level is, don’t panic! The app will meet your needs, and help you improve your language

Track your progress and challenge yourself every day!

Vilmo will provide you with a report every time you use it, to challenge yourself and achieve progress to keep getting points.

The report will show you the daily total points and the mistakes you’ve done, to encourage you to keep going, minimize mistakes and maximize your points.

Be the top app user!

Challenge yourself first, then watch your progress in comparison to other users, so you can feel the enthusiasm to be at the top level,

start getting the benefits of the app daily, score more points, and take place at the forefron.

Video Demo App

Watch how to use this amazing app and score points while you are learning the language.

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Have you ever heard the expression,
“Do not count your chickens before they hatch?” Maybe an older, wiser individual

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